Jesus is the source + summit of everything in my life. My first full-time job ended up being leading a worship band and working in youth ministry at a Catholic church in KC. It was a blast and I still play + sing at ministry events whenever I get the chance!
Within our first year of marriage, my husband Greg and I had our first baby, bought our first house, started a business and survived a pandemic. (The Lord said go big or go home)
I studied photography at the University of Kansas, and started shooting weddings in college. I started dreaming of this job when I was 18, and feel immensely blessed that it has become a reality.
...but nothing beats the time I get to spend with our sweet baby Sadie. She is all of God's love, joy and goodness packed into one tiny human with squishy cheeks.
At my core, I wholeheartedly believe that God is the greatest Author, and when we allow our lives to align with His story for us, we open ourselves to unimaginable joy. From the emotion-packed moments I feel so privileged to witness, to the wild celebration that erupts at the end of the night, my hope is to document the great story He's written for you, and to give you images that will forever remind you how profoundly loved you are.
I strive to create photos that are
I grew up in Saint Louis, but now Kansas City is home!
Two German Shepherds, Samson + Delilah (we're praying for a Dyson sponsorship)
Sweet 3yo Sadie, feisty 1yo James, and a new addition coming December 2023!
Greg's swing dancing skills + great beard = marriage material